Thursday, June 6, 2013

Random Confessions #2

    - I can totally believe it's not butter

    - My grad party is in two days, and other than clean my room a bit, I have done almost no preparing. My parents are amazing.

    - I think people that have watched more than one full season of Dr. Who and still do not like it either have bad taste in television or are part Dalek.

    - I have multiple unfinished or barely even started posts (Gaming Nostalgia Part 2, Apologetics Part 2, and many more) that I haven't finished because they are too hard. I have no idea when I shall finish them. IF you've been checking frequently to find any one post in particular, you can simmer down a could be awhile.

    - I used to be embarrassed by my last name, but I kind of like it now, because I realize that it makes other people uncomfortable that they find it funny, but are too polite to say anything about it. Hickey. HICKEY. HICKEEEEEY! Also, it's Irish, and Ireland is awesome.

    - I'm only writing this to procrastinate on the aforementioned difficult, unfinished posts.

    - I have a back-scratcher that looks like a tiger. I am using it right now. Be jealous.

    - I am terrible with money. I blame that partly on my generosity, and partly on how I was trained by games like Red Dead Redemption and Skyrim. In real life, I am not a badass cowboy or a nigh-unkillable demigod, and I do not get into fights with lawmen and bandits every few minutes, and therefore I do not have bodies to loot and make cash off of. I sometimes forget this, and blow a ton of money. That's my story, and I'm sticking with it.

    - If I ever meet the guy who does the Spotify ads in real life, I'm going to punch him in the face. I'm sure he's a nice guy, but still...ugh.

    - I have mowed the lawn barefoot multiple times. That's right, dad. And I still stand by my believe that it is no more dangerous with shoes on. I was tempted to write an entire rant on this the other day, and give it it's own post. I still might.

    - I've been known to walk on the left side of the stairs, even when other people are coming down. Sometimes things don't always go the way you want, and you just have to get out of the way.

    - I'm German and Irish and I hate the taste of beer.

    - I'm the one who let the dogs out.

    - We got rid of my sister's rabbit because nobody wanted to take care of it anymore. I'm not even remotely sad about it.

    - I once snorted an entire Pixie Stick - one of the long one - for five dollars. My nose bled for hours.

    - If you tell me you enjoy getting drunk or high, I automatically assume I'm a little bit smarter than you.

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